Hardone69cum's Page US

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Afficher un nom: Hardone69cum
Anniversaire: 04 July, 1976
pays: United States
sexe: Masculin
orientation sexuel: Bisexuel(le)
Cité: Bremerton WA
relié: 1 an depuis
Profil visualisé: 290 fois
Catégorie préférée: Ménage à Trois
Site Internet: magelljr@gmail.com
a propos de moi: Safe. Sane. Smart. Horny. Seeking sexually active and also seeking select hot, nasty couples and very select, hot and open minded single females who would be willing to host/set up my very 1st 3sum ever; seeking right now in Bremerton WA to day! I am 45, single, and athletically oriented. Always horny, always seeking new friends, swingers, group sex meetings, events and clubs near Bremerton WA to day also. Will be nude camping at Lake Bronson in Sultan WA this cumming Summer. Please HMU here if you want to go along for 1 week straight camping at Lake Bronson......
Mes Videos favoris: Behind the Green Door, Debbie Does Dallas, New Wave Hookers, anything with Jenna Jameson, Megan Fox or Wonder Woman is always watchable any day. Group sex vids, orgy vids, and 3sum tag team adventures are prime viewing also. Themes also really liked and sought after are: water themed sexual arts, group orgy pool and hot tub sex, bath, shower and sauna sex cum in close second, lake, swimming hole, ocean sex, waterfall sex, whirlpool, jacuzzi or steam room sex also rank high, e-stim sex is not only shocking, but interestingly fun too! Let me know what you like, maybe we can swap or share DVDs or similar program is always an option for those who post a proposal here... Immediate replies to any queries here as well.


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